Thursday 5 January 2017

Preliminary Task - Reflection

Planning Process
Shot List
Prop List
Treatment Scaffold
What the planning process involved?
The planning process involved us creating a storyboard with the timings and each type of shot described below it. This helped us know what to film and how to film it. We then created a script so our actresses know what to say while in character. We then created a shot and prop list. This then tells us what type of shots we need to include and what props to bring in. We included a treatment scaffold as well as this tells us what our synopsis is and the characters we’ve chosen as well as film techniques we had used.
How did the planning benefit me?
The planning was beneficial for me because it helped us to know what to film first and how to film it so we weren’t wasting time on the day of filming. It also put everything we needed to do it in order so we prioritised the things that need to be done first.
Production Process

Did it all go to plan?

In my opinion, it didn’t all go to plan exactly. Partly because it was hard to find a time for all of us to get together and film and we also didn’t film a lot so our piece of work ended up being shorter than what we intended. Also, we couldn’t find a lot of our footage as we were editing so we think it had maybe got deleted as we were getting used to editing on Adobe.

What new technologies did I encounter in this process?

The DSLR camera and the editing software.
What I have learnt through this process?

I have learnt many things about Adobe and how to edit on there. I learnt how to make a title and include video transitions between each shot.
What new skills will be beneficial moving forward throughout this course?

Learning how to edit and knowing how to use the camera and the different types of equipment for the use of the camera, for example, a tripod.
Problem Solving

What went wrong?
Some of the footage we had filmed beforehand had accidently been deleted somehow. Also, the editing was hard to get used to so it took us a while before we understood the software.

How did we solve any problems we encountered?
We used what we had of our footage and we cut some out so it would manage to make sense and whenever we were stuck on editing, we would spend a while on it trying to figure it out ourselves but if we couldn’t figure it out, we always asked for help and watched the teacher do it until we got it.

How well did we work together as a group?

I think we worked well as a group and it was helpful that we all managed to easily agree on something. We all found ways to include an idea we each came up with so we have all contributed partly to this task.
Did I feel as if I contributed fairly to the overall outcome?

I think that I have contributed fairly to this assignment and I always introduced new ideas and shared them with my group.

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  In this blog post I will be looking back at my Preliminary task and explaining what I have learnt in the progression from it to the full ...