Monday 16 January 2017

Main Task - Script

Antagonist - Toby
Friend 1 - Gabriella
Friend 2 - Alicia
Friend 3 - Maya
Friend 4 - Zara

Scene 1

Alicia – Today was such a good day, we should totally do this again.

Maya – Yes definitely!

Gabriella – The restaurant was really nice, I enjoyed the pizza.

Zara – Yeah it was alright, I wasn’t too keen on the food. Maybe we can try somewhere different next time.

Alicia – Yeah, I agree Zara.

Maya – Oh guys look, our trains here.

Scene 2

Gabriella – Quick guys, lets jump on before it leaves.

Zara – Make sure you don’t forget anything.

Scene 3

*Black Screen*

Scene 4

Maya – That didn’t take too long.

Scene 5

Gabriella – Thank you girls for such a lovely day. I’m going to start walking home.

Alicia – Yeah it was a really good day, I think I will walk with Gabriella, I’ll see you guys later.

Zara –I’ll see you girls soon, me and Maya are going to get picked up.

Maya – Bye girlies!

Gabriella – Alicia, let’s take a shortcut through the park.

Scene 6

*No dialogue in this shot/ Low music*

Scene 7

Alicia – Oh my God! Gabriella can you see something behind the tree or is it just me?

Scene 8

Alicia – He’s running towards us.

Gabriella – OMG! Yeah let’s start running!

Scene 9

Gabriella – I think he has stopped.

Scene 10

*No dialogue*

Scene 11

*No dialogue* (music will be playing)

Scene 12

*Title and Credits*

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