Friday 2 December 2016

Introduction to DSLR

Shutter Speed
  • The shutter speed setting controls how long the shutter opens to expose the image sensor to that light.
  • Open it for just a millisecond and you can freeze a fast moving subject.
  • Alternatively, you can show the movement of a fast moving subject by keeping it open longer with a slow shutter speed.


  • The ISO is how sensitive your image sensor is to light.
  • With the ISO setting, a camera's image sensor can be adjusted to detect more, or less light as needed for a good exposure.
  • The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the sensor will be, and the brighter the image will be.
  • The lower the ISO, the less light it's going to bring in, and the darker the image is going to be.
  • If you're shooting in low light, you will want to boost your ISO so that the image will be brighter.
  • If you're shooting in a bright, sunny place, you'll want to lower your ISO, or the image will be overly-bright.
  • High ISO will cause graininess so as a rule use the lowest ISO possible

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