Monday 17 April 2017

Filming Journal - Main Task

In this blog post I will be explaining the process we underwent and the problems we encountered and how we solved them during filming.

The Day

Our chosen day of filming was Sunday January 22th.

We arrived at Furze Platt train station at 4:00 pm, we chose this time as we wanted it to be starting to get dark to add a more realistic effect to our shots.
Then we went through the plans of the day with our actresses to ensure that they understood what they were acquired to do.
Our first shots were taken at the train station. 

We managed to get all the shots we needed from our first location which was the train station. The first shot we took was too blurry as we had not focussed the camera properly so we adjusted the camera lens and tried again.

                                              (Sunday 5th February 2017)

The next stage of our filming was at the park. We arrived at the park at 3:00 pm because we wanted it to start getting dark so it could add an effect to the shots and the atmosphere. Due to filming in January it meant that it was winter so it was very cold and dark. However, the weather was a good contribution to the genre of our film opening which was horror. Our first shot that was taken was the establishing shot of the park, we had to re take the shot a few times because we did not want to include any public members into the shot. Another reason we had to re take the shot was because we took it hand held at first but it did not look as professional so we did it again using a tripod.  
Our next shot that was needed was having the two girls walk through the park with the man in black behind them. However, due to the lighting it was difficult to see the man in black stood behind the tree. We did not realize this till we started to move our footage on to the iMac. Therefore, we had to come back at an earlier time and re take the shots that had bad lighting.
The actors were well prepared and followed instructions clearly.

Friday 3rd February 2017
On this day we went back to punt hill park to retake the shots that had bad lighting. It did not take long as we knew which shots we needed.

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