Thursday 13 October 2016

Preliminary task, treatment

  1. Working Title:

  1. Synopsis
The film is about a young female student who is wealthy. She is the victim as she is being hacked by a hacker whom wants to take her wealth. The victim is going to walk in and catch the hacker. The hacker then kills the young woman to prevent himself from being caught.  In addition, the victim’s friend walks in and sees her friends body on the floor with the hacker stood over her body. The friend then asks the hacker what has happened. It is then ends on a cliff-hanger.

  1. Characters
 The Victim-Is a young female student.

                      She is a very wealthy woman.


The Hacker- A jealous man.



The Friend- A young student.



  1. Film Techniques
I will be filming this scene using different types of shots and camera movement. Examples of the different shots that I am are going to use are; establishing shot, over the shoulder shot, two shot, point of view shot etc. Examples of camera movements I am going to use are; Tilt, pan, crab, zoom, dolly etc.

  1. Production Considerations

I am going to film it in a computer suite as it goes with the story line. I will need a fair amount of space as the body will need to be placed on the ground.

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Evaluation - Question 7

  In this blog post I will be looking back at my Preliminary task and explaining what I have learnt in the progression from it to the full ...