Sunday 5 March 2017

Main Task - Treatment


Genre: Horror
Working Title:

What Lies Behind

2.       Synopsis:

Our film opening is going to be set in two locations, the first location will be the train station and the second location will be a park. The film starts with a group of girls who are catching a train together. The girls will then get on to the train and sit down. A man dressed in all black will be watching over the girls the whole time they are talking while they are waiting for the train. The four girls will then arrive at the next station and two of the girls will go off and the other two girls will decide to take a short cut through the park. Whilst they are walking, there is a person in all black following them but they do not know. They then notice the man following them and start the run. The camera then shows a doll swinging on a park swing as the man moves towards the doll, sits on the swing next it while staring into the distance.

3.       Characters:

Man walking from behind tree - Toby
Two people running – Gabriella & Sam
Two other friends – Maya & Zara

4.       Film Techniques:

Low-Key Lighting
Two Shot
Mainly filmed in a Point of View Shot
Non-Diegetic Sound
Synchronous Sound
Shot Reverse Shot

5.    Production considerations:

We are shooting our film at a park and a train station so we need to be careful near the train station as it can get very busy, especially around the time we’re filming. Also, we need to make sure we have a permit before we film at these two places and make sure we have the approval of our actors/actresses to film them as it is going online.

Main task - Location Research

Location: In our film opening, we are going to be shooting at two different locations. One of the locations is at the Furze Platt train station and the second one is at Boyne Hill in the park, both located in Maidenhead. As we are filming a wide range of our footage at the train station, as a group, we need to get a permit signed so we have permission to film at the train station.
Map of our first location ( Furze Platt train station)

 Our second location Boyn Grove park:

Boyn Grove

Size: 28,467 sq m/ 2.8 hectares.
This park is sometimes referred to as Punt Hill but the origin of the name is not certain. It may once have been 'Punnet Hill', a reference to the many market gardens in the area or perhaps local people used to punt across the large pond which was once on the top of the hill and after which the Pond House public house is named. Another suggestion is that it relates to a ball game where local people used to punt the ball up and down the hill. The nearby Clara Court was the location of the 18th Century Court House, after which the road is named.
Cast Research

In our film opening, we need about 4 people overall as actors/actresses. We need 3 teenage girls and 1 person who will be wearing a mask so it’s identity will not be revealed. Our aim is to find someone who preferably does/did drama and someone who is available most days. We didn’t go through the process of auditioning because we have in mind which people want to star in our film. The 4 girls in our film have to act rather naturally throughout the first couple of scenes - just like they're having a normal conversation. The first person we have picked to play one of our girls in Shania Zaman. We chose her because she did drama back in GCSE so she has some experience in it. We also chose Sam Khan because she likes to act and play different roles and she is comfortable when put in front of a camera. For the role of our last character, we had chosen someone who is also in our media group, Siarah Rana. She had volunteered last minute as many other people were not willing to do it and she is not that camera shy and can speak clearly. I, myself, was also in this short film opening as the man dressed in all black. I decided to play this role as we were in need of someone and I was comfortable playing it as I didn't have any lines and my face was not visibly revealed.

All 3 girls will be dressed in modern day clothing which is in fashion as it is set in the present time. These types of clothing consists of: jeans, trainers, jumpers etc. The way the girls dress are shown as very stereotypically as that's the way most girls in this generation dress now-a-days. They will all be wearing make - up but one of the girls will be wearing more than others which shows she has an interest in make-up. They will all be wearing limited jewellery and two girls will have their hair down and the other girl will have her hair styled up. Lastly, we have the character who plays the man following them. He will have no identity revealed as he will be wearing all black with a mask, similar characteristics to ‘Slender man’.

Evaluation - Question 7

  In this blog post I will be looking back at my Preliminary task and explaining what I have learnt in the progression from it to the full ...