Tuesday 29 November 2016

Genre Analysis (Horror/ thriller) - BFI Statistical Yearbook

BFI Statistical Yearbook – Genre Information
In order to amass quantitative data on the Horror/ thriller genre, we have referred to the BFI’s 2015 Statistical Yearbook as it is far beyond the scope of any survey that we could ever hope to conduct. In the BFI’s own words, ‘The Statistical Yearbook presents in one place all the available statistics on K film and the UK film industry.’
The table below shows top performing titles by genre, the films illustrated in the table are UK films.

From the table above I can see that the Women in Black Angle of Death is the top performing title of the Horror genre, which is the genre me, Hannah, Siarah and Amaal will be focusing on for our main task. We can incorporate the opening of this film in the preparation for our main task so we can get a clear idea on what top performing titles present to draw attention to their target audience.

Table 9 Releases of UK independent films in the UK and Republic of Ireland by BBFC film classification, 2015

BBFC classification
Number of releases
% of releases
Gross box office (£ million)
% of gross box office
Top performing title
Shaun the Sheep the Movie
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
The Lady in the Van
The Woman in Black: Angel of Death

The table above shows that the Horror genre was not significantly successful in 2015:
  • The Horror genre grossed £34.9 million, accounting for only 2.7% of total box office.
  • However, it did surpass other major genres such as family, romance and fantasy.
  • There were 44 Horror releases in 2015 making up 5.8% of the total releases in 2015.
  • The Woman in Black: Angel of Death was the highest performing Horror film of 2015.
  • The Woman in Black: Angel of Death was the highest performing 15 classified film of UK independent films.
  • Poltergeist is the seventeenth highest 3D release in the UK and Republic of Ireland with a total gross of (£4.o million) with a 3D gross of 1.8 million
  • Jaws was the eighth highest ranking movie between the time period of 1975-2015 where the UK box office total amounted to £81.7 million

Horror films are undoubtedly very popular with the British public; there is clearly a lot of demand for Horror. The main effects of Horror is to make the audience jump, feel nervous or be 'creeped out' by something that has or is happening. However, Horror films were not particularly successful with the British public in 2015; which therefore suggests there is clearly little demand or the movies did not meet the expectations of the target audience. The women in Black: Angel of Death was the top Horror film of 2015, this is useful information because the film opening we intend to create uses the same typical Horror conventions as the movie. The fact that the

The fact that the most successful 15 certified independent film was of the Horror genre, is potentially useful information; it tells supports our initial idea to aim our film at age 15-24.

The Registrar General's Social Scale - 

The Registrar General’s Social Scale is the way the British Government defines the populace through their occupation.

A benefit of the Registrar General’s Social Scale is that it can help companies to target audiences. However, the scale has been criticised for being both crude and rigid

Saturday 26 November 2016

Film Opening Analysis

On Fridays lesson with Mrs Mallet, in class we were looking at film openings to begin to understand what makes a successful film opening. Me, Hannah, Amaal and Sairah were focusing on the Horror genre, however the film openings we looked at were based on the Drama genre. We will still be incorporating certain aspects we noted down in class.

what we had to look for:
  • shot sizes
  • shot angles
  • shot durations
  • sound effects
  • use of music
  • transitions
  • colour pallet
  • lighting
  • setting
  • tone/mood
  • atmosphere
  • title founts
The Judge
  • High key lighting
  • Extreme long shot of city
  • Colour tones - blues, whites, greys
  • Ambient sound
  • Close up on glasses
  • Transitions - slows fades in and out
  • Title - Serif, white, traditional
  • High angle looking down on the city
  • Change in music - faster pace  
  • Guitar - fades in and out
  • Depth of field - flowers
  • Cool palette
  • Dialogue in office toilet

Forrest Gump
  • Happy and gentle mood 
  • Natural lighting
  • Setting - large town
  • Warm pure colours
  • Dialogue at a bus stop
  • Simple soft piano melody
  • Has a slow pace
  • When the shot gets closer to the ground - more ambient sounds ( e.g.. wind)
  • Title stands out
  • Slow music following feather sets out a slow pace
  • Shot: begins at the top of the building, ends at street level

The Time Traveller's Wife
  • Setting Christmas/winter
  • Low key lighting
  • Quick transition - fast pace
  • Yellow title represents warmth
  • Small shot sizes - eye level
  • On going melodic voice ( Mother singing in the car)
  • Violin played over production title
  • Tense, threatening and worrying
  • No extreme long shots

The Descendants
  • Hawaiian music - ukulele
  • Medium close up of woman
  • Setting - Hawaii
  • Context is set in voice over
  • Sound - up beat musical instrument
  • Changes to sad, melodic music when the hospital is shown 
  • Hawaiian flower background, mix of warm and cool colours

The Age Of Adeline
  • Extreme long shot - birds eye view
  • Plot is not shown
  • Third person narrative giving us an introduction to the character
  • Tone is mysterious, calm and serious
  • Title - thin, handwritten - not intrusive
  • Changes to sad, melodic music when the hospital is shown
  • Character is intelligent and observant

Evaluation - Question 7

  In this blog post I will be looking back at my Preliminary task and explaining what I have learnt in the progression from it to the full ...